
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Menikmati V60 Gayo Atu Lintang dari Otten Coffee

Malam tadi saya sempat mencoba menyeduh kopi Aceh Gayo dengan metode V60. 26 gram kopi gayo langsung saya grind menggunakan hand grinder dari Hario. Memang agak melelahkan, tapi worth it dengan rasa yang diperoleh. Next time kalau ada rejeki saya ingin punya grinder khusus manual brewing nih, any idea?

Saya menggunakan komposisi yang tidak terlalu pekat, perbandingannya 26 gram kopi ditambahkan 340 gr air panas.

Selamat menikmati.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Idiot's Guide to Smarter Coffee Drinking

Ngopi asik di Common Grounds, Bandung

Ini adalah kali pertama kali datang ke Common Ground Bandung. Saya memfollow beberapa professional Barista di Instagram karena saya tertarik dengan cara mereka membuat kopi yang enak. Saat ini salah satu barista yang saya follow, Ben Morrow dan Matt Perger sedang berada di Jakarta untuk me-launch project coffee shop terbaru nya St. Ali. Saya yakin pasti kualitas kopi yang dihasilkan oleh tangan sekaliber mereka sangatlah lezat.

Belakangan saya ketahui bahwa St. Ali Jakarta bekerja sama dengan Common Ground, which is memiliki salah satu cabang di kota Bandung. Bahkan kedua orang bule tesebut sempat bermain-main dengan kopi nya di Common Ground Bandung.

Penasaran? Yuk kita intip dekorasinya.

Common Ground, Jl. Setiabudi no 49 Bandung
Dari luar, kesan yangdidapat dari tempat ini begitu clean, modern dan sophisticated. Ternyata benar, saya disambut oleh waiter yang sangat ramah (wondering, was he the owner of this place?). Saya dipersilakan duduk dan langsung disodori menu minuman dan makanannya. Awalnya saya bingung dengan tata cara order di tempat ini karena coffee shop yang biasa saya datangi biasanya bayar duluan baru duduk. Mungkin karena mereka juga menyediakan menu makanan yang cukup beragam sehingga pengunjung diberikan waktu untuk duduk dan melihat menu makanannya dengan lebih santai. Too bad I didn't took the picture of the menu.

Saya memesan Cappucinno dan Cafe Latte saat itu. Rasanya? Sangat enak. Common Ground me-roasting sendiri biji kopi home blend dengan brand nya sendiri baik itu dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Tidak heran kalau kualitas kopi nya baik dan jelas ini bukan coffee shop 'kacangan'.

Saya sempat memilih biji kopi untuk saya bawa pulang. Akhirnya saya memilih Cloak & Dagger for espresso dari Common Ground. Review nya silakan baca setelah posting saya ini. Satu hal yang sangat saya senangi dari common ground adalah kami diajak menikmati biji kopi lainnya oleh barista perempuan yang sangat baik. Senang sekali kita mendapatkan 1 gelas tambahan kopi gratis.. dan langsung dari tangan baristanya sendiri. Sensasi ngopi sangat berbeda ketika kita diceritakan bagaimana rasa/ notes kopi tersebut langsung dari barista nya. 

Menyenangkan sekali datang ke Common Ground ini, mudah-mudahan saya bisa mencoba juga St. Ali yang ada di Jakarta. Next time maybe!

Brewing Cloak & Dagger from Common Grounds Coffee

Brewing coffee is always been a good experience for every barista or coffee enthusiast. Sometimes I search for many roasted coffee beans from many coffee shops in Bandung, or Jakarta. Today, I brew one of many favorite Common Ground Coffee roasted bean, it's "Cloak & Dagger".

This coffee have a wonderful taste and good body. It's very good for espresso because the balance of it's acidity and body. This coffee contains three origins : Toraja, Aceh and Ethiopia. It's pretty interesting to combine three origins, even two different nations in a coffee blend. The acidity feels pretty dominant in this coffee but at last you can taste floral notes, and palm sugar in it. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Chilling out at the coffee shop : a statement about lifestyle

People nowadays are getting more individualistic everyday. At least that is what I feel lately. We are tired to have big community with less impact to us. A clique that involved 2-3 people sometimes makes us feel empowered than having a fake social time with other that actually didn't fit us.

That fact makes coffee shop nowadays provides everything about relax and peace. Industrial theme seems really popular and inevitable in many coffee shops.

A restaurant in Bandung City 

Yellow Truck Coffee and Co , Bandung City.

Coffee seems to be a lifestyle for particular people. For people who really know the quality of coffee would never chose instant coffee for their 'coffee ritual'. But we can't deny that there are so many of us still enjoying instant coffee or coffee-alike drinks. It's okay, as long as we love it and makes us happy.

me in Starbucks

Let me introduce myself

Hello there!

This is my brand new blog, and I would like to share all about my thought about my favorite liquid all the time : coffee!

I'm Chisna, I'm 26 y o now, living in Cirebon - West Java Indonesia. I love enjoying coffee and I also brew coffee everyday. I'm not a barista yet, but I still learn about how to make good coffee everyday.

Coffee for me is  truly special thing in this world. And thankfully I live in Indonesia which is produce so much great coffee. In Indonesia, third-wave-coffee things start booming for about 5-8 years ago. Now, we can meet good coffee shop in almost every big city in Indonesia. I go to Bandung city every week and sometimes I go to Jakarta too.

Somehow, Coffee makes me (and of course all of you) happy. That power to make everybody become awake and fully charged everyday makes me amazed over and over again. I also always interested with how coffee is produced, roasted and served in front of us.

By reading this blog, I hope you all could enjoy and know more about coffee. I usually post pictures about coffee and latte art, maybe I also will have some reviews about many coffee shops, cafes or restaurants in my neighbourhood. I will share about how to make coffee and I freely open this blog to all the people in Indonesia or other country to share their thoughts about coffee. Lets learn about brewing together.

So, enjoy my blog, and please give me comments to increase this blog's quality.

Thank you,

Much love from Indonesia!

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